Found Formula
Featherboard Writer-in-Residence 
Aggregate Space Gallery
Oakland, CA
Found Formula
Featherboard Writer-in-Residence
Aggregate Space Gallery
Oakland, CA

Found Formula was constructed in relationship to the set of Average video works created by Doug Garth Williams for his exhibition at Aggregate Space Gallery in March, 2014. Marboe had the opportunity to interview Doug about the formula he used to create these videos, including editing techniques, the search for found footage, length and opacity of segments. She then gathered found texts and plugged them into the formula in order to recreate the process for language.

I have been forced to write this letter by the police.
I’m not sorry or bothered by the fact that I broke into your house.
It was your fault anyway.
You’re thick enough to have left your downstairs kitchen window open.
I wouldn’t do that in a million years.

Copies of Found Formula can be purchased
at Aggregate Space Gallery
801 West Grand Avenue
Entrance on West Street
Oakland CA 94607